November 13, 2006

visual artists you should know about

Daily Creators:

While we are spending this month exploring music as our inspiration, I wanted to also point out a few visual artists I met while at The MacDowell Colony who have work going up all over the world.

DOROTA MYTYCH (Current Show in Australia)

Dorota's work is so moving and deceptively beautiful. Look closer at everything she does. There are many, many layers to her work. The closer you look, the more you are involved. She has an exhibition in Australia, if anyone is traveling but you can visit her website to see her work:

MICHAEL ZHENG (San Francisco)

Michael has a site-specific installation in this year's Emergeshow. The piece is entitled "Media Shower (Pardon Me)" andexplores the architectural characteristics of the site, as well as the building's historical link to the Examiner newspaper and in turn,to Patty Hearst.

The show can be viewed until 11/19 and is found at 988 Market Street @6th (the Warfield Building) San Francisco. For more information:

Michael says, "Be sure to catch a paper strip as it flies down from above. For those of you who can't make it, I have some pictureson my website for the show including images from my performance at the opening."


Christine's artist book "Continuum" and accompanying prints are now available through the Margarete Roeder Gallery in NYC:

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