Daily Creator J.M. sends us this information:
A Room Of Her Own Foundation (AROHO) is dedicated to helping women artists achieve the privacy and financial support necessary to pursue their art. As Virginia Woolf recognized in the 1920s, “a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write.”
While Woolf spoke of writers, AROHO applies her words to women of various disciplines. The 2006-07 Literary Gift of Freedom Award will be given to an American woman fiction writer. Because the award is quite substantial, the application process is extensive. During this grant cycle, April 2006 through February 2007, only applications from WOMEN FICTION WRITERS will be accepted. Awards in other literary genres will be granted at a later date.
We intend the FICTION category to be interpreted in an inclusive manner. If you consider your writing to be fiction, please feel free to apply.
To apply for the 2006-07 Literary Gift of Freedom Award, complete the Application (http://www.aroomofherown.org/giftfreedom_application.html) with all its parts (please follow the Checklist) and mail the application package to A Room Of Her Own Foundation, P.O. Box 778, Placitas, NM 87043. Packages must be postmarked on or before February 1, 2007—no exceptions. Courier service (UPS, FedEx) packages will not be accepted—use the U.S. Postal Service. Do not send return receipt requested. We will return your self-addressed, stamped postcard upon receipt of your package.
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