January 03, 2007

before history

Yesterday, we began our journey through our chosen country by simply picking a place to focus and finding it on a map. When you checked out its borders, were there any surprises or anomalies?

For example, I’m researching Nepal and Tibet and depending on which map you are using, Tibet is either recognized as a sovereign country or completely swallowed by China. Maybe you found older maps (particularly in Eastern Europe) where just a year or two ago, your chosen country didn’t even exist.

Borders are living things. Fluid not fixed because people, in their bodies, constantly move. When did the current borders come to be? What were the original boundary lines?

What existed before them?


Before there were governments in place to define your chosen country’s borders and before there were historians writing the official story, there were the myths, folklore, ghost stories, legends and oral traditions that held people together.

Very often these “hand-me-downs” are based on the surrounding topography or the night sky. If you’re having trouble finding the mythology of your chosen country, perhaps pick a specific, prominent mountain or river and research its history to see if any old stories emerge.

Remember, we’re becoming “mini-experts” not getting our PhD here so don’t burden yourself with finding the “perfect” story. Just do a basic Google search and find three or four examples of Gods or Goddesses, legendary Kings or Rulers, scary Monsters or magical Beings that are specific to your region.

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