March 19, 2007

dreams to solve problems

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

For the last few days, we have used our dreams to visit fictional places or follow fictional characters or heighten our imagination in order to create original work. We’ve been letting our subconscious practice on things that felt a little safe but now it is time to ask our dreams to give us the good stuff.

What in your life, at this exact moment, feels unresolved? Maybe you had a falling out with a friend or the bills have piled up or your child seems to be having trouble at school or your health could be better. Maybe there are a lot of things that feel like they need to be “fixed” right now!

Take a nice breath. Just thinking about this stuff causes anxiety. So take a break from it and let your subconscious do the work for you. Pick one, and only one, unresolved issue to focus on today/tonight.


After you read this email, say to yourself: YES, I AM CONCERNED ABOUT ____________ BUT I KNOW THAT MY SUBCONSCIOUS IS GOING TO HELP ME OUT WITH IT TONIGHT SO I’M NOT GOING TO THINK ABOUT IT TODAY. Go about your daily business. Any time that worrisome thought comes up, repeat the above phrase like a mantra.

Go to sleep a little earlier than usual tonight. Really give yourself the time to relax. Remember our “Watering The Garden” meditation? Picture an image that represents your unresolved issue sitting in that barren earth. Imagine that you water all around it and that your subconscious garden begins to grow and surround the issue.

Ask your dreams to help you find a way to resolve the issue. Ask your dreams to show you very clearly what needs to be done. When you are ready to sleep, say softly to yourself: TONIGHT, MY DREAMS WILL SHOW ME HOW TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE. I AM LISTENING AND I WILL REMEMBER AND I WILL ACT

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