July 03, 2008

party favors hit the bookshelves on tuesday

Ladies and Gents:

Let the fun begin.

We are officially launched as PARTY FAVORS hit the bookshelves on Tuesday. I saw us in the Union Square Barnes & Noble and actually jumped up and down like a teenager. What an amazing feeling to have a tangible, hard-cover book in hand after almost two years of work and near isolation in front of a computer screen!Now, it's in the ether and what we need is buzz. Which is where YOU come in. I need your help.

Help, you say? But Susan, whatever can I do? So glad you asked. Try one of these simple steps to help make PARTY FAVORS a best-seller.

1. Go to Amazon and write a review of us, rate us, buy us, create keywords, etc. Here's the link:http://www.amazon.com/Party-Favors-Nicole-Sexton/dp/1599214598/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214927178&sr=8-1

2. Add us to your Facebook READING NOW section or your MY SPACE page.

3. Blog about us. Tell your blogger friends to blog about us.

4. Put us on your TV show! (Some of you are bigwigs - throw a girl a bone!) Contact: Marina Ein, Ein Communications: maein@aol.com or 202.775.0200

5. Call your local bookstore and ask them to stock the book. Or walk into random bookstores and ask for them to order it.

6. Buy the movie or TV rights! (A whole other bunch of you are bigwigs too - you know you want it!) Contact: Maura Teitelbaum at Abrams: maura.teitelbaum@abramsartny.com or 646.486.4600. We're taking meetings at end of July in LA.

7. Pitch us as a magazine story to your editor. Pitch us as a segment on your website. Pitch us, pitch us, pitch us!

Okay, enough from me.
For more information, check out our website: http://partyfavors2008.com

If you need press kits, copies of the book, etc, see Item 4 and call Marina. If you need book copy for rights, see item 6 and all Maura. Tell both of them Susan sent you.


I am eternally grateful for all of your support as I continue down my path as an artist and a woman pursuing JOY!

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