September 03, 2008

GOP Rejects Party Favors at Republican National Convention

Fishbowl NY
Wednesday, Sep 03
Gustav may have shut down most of the Republican National Convention, but the Republicans have shut down a Party Favors book reading and signing. Nicole Sexton, co-author with ghostwriter Susan Johnston and the woman whose life has been fictionalized in the book's pages, has been asked to cancel her upcoming events in Minneapolis by one of the biggest players in the Republican party. This Senator Who Shall Remain Nameless (though if you put your spyglasses on, is also a character in the book) seems rather threatened by this "beach read," "chick-lit," work of fiction. If he's even bothered to read it, then the light that authors Sexton and Johnston shed on fundraising and campaign-related tactics must be more natural than fluorescent.

But, as Johnston details in a release sent today announcing the event's cancellation, Sexton no longer has any affiliation with the Republican party, is critical of both sides of the aisle, continually espouses the book's fictional status, and just held a similar signing event in Denver with the Democrats. "Apparently the GOP feels that the book is critical of GOP fundraising and campaign related tactics and therefore a book signing could be embarrassing to the party," Johnston wrote. "Why is the GOP so scared of a book signing? Clearly, they see this book as a threat."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    The Republican National Convention announcer just announced for the
    audience to remain standing, and I quote verbatim, "for the Pledge of
    Allegiance, the National Anthem, and the Invocation."

    Except they DID NOT SING the National Anthem, they sang AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL.

    Evidently the Republican Party is not aware that the National Anthem
    of the United States is THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER!!

    It was not sung. They moved directly on with the Invocation right
    after America the Beautiful.

    Folks, ask me, that's worse that 17 year old pregnant girls. It
    deserves mention on air.
