December 19, 2006

classic kid

The holidays mean that a tremendous amount of "classic" children's programming will be in the ether - on TV, on the big screen, on stage - from A Charlie Brown Christmas to The Nutcracker to A Christmas Story...

But thinking about J.S.'s movie Life After Tomorrow reminded me that there are tons of children's movies, songs, plays, musicals, etc. that heavily influenced my aesthetic development - whether I was aware of it or not.

Clearly, Annie was one of those shows but what other mass marketed "children's programming" became a "classic" to me personally?

Off the top of my head, I would have to say any movie with Julie Andrews, the Xmas songs of Elvis, E.T. and Grease. Looking over this limited list, I would say I was raised with a very 50s sensibility of entertainment even though I was born in the 70s.


As a child, what were the images, songs, movies, stories, plays, musicals that left a lasting impression? Think back and try to make a list. How have the titles on your list influenced you as an artist?

Dig out those old albums, rent those movies, buy the soundtrack and watch/listen to them again. How long has it been since you've seen/heard this material? What does it conjure for you now? What did it conjure for you then?

Do you remember what it was to be a child awed by the theatre, a movie, a story, a song? Can you feel that way again? Do you still feel that way about your art?

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