Daily Creator M.O. sent an email to me today about Saint Theresa, the patron saint of "Little Ways" and that phrase "little ways" stirred in me a thought about the way we approach our creativity.
Often, as artists, we strive for grand gestures - a finished novel, a collection of dresses, a body of work, an exhibit at a major gallery, site-specific performance pieces in the middle of Times Square, landing the lead in a movie, painting a masterpiece.
But what are the little ways we can be more creative in our daily life?
Look at the little picture. Is there something little you can do, right now, to make your life just the slightest bit more creative?
Can you rearrange your books in a more creative way? Can you paint your bathroom or get new, more colorful towels? Flowers for the front porch? Switch the font you use for each project? Add tomatoes to your omelette? Light a candle? Decorate your notebook? Change your cell phone ring tone?
Nothing is too small. Think about the little ways you can further personalize the life that surrounds you so that everything you touch, hear, smell, see and live is an extension of your creativity.
Walk through your day today with a thoughtfulness towards this smallness.
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