February 15, 2007

make it a combo

Somedays, it feels like it's all you can do just to manage from minute to minute - an entire day can be spent putting out fires so that there is no long range vision, you can be only in the present, just in the moment.

Today has been one of those days and yet, even in the chaos, I think it relates to our work as artists and our particular work this month of "Borrowing Genius" from the artists that inspire us.

The works that we've gathered, the masterpieces and the flops - only in hindsight can we see the larger themes, the broader vision that an artist might have had. That artist, in that moment, was painting a single picture, carving a single sculpture, sewing a single stitch on a dress, writing one line at a time.

The artist was focused on the work at hand.


Think small. Very, very small. Pick one line, one passage, one picture, one frame, one element from all that you've collected from Artist # 1. Now do the same from Artist # 2.

How can these two tiny moments be combined to make a unique third?

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