California Community Foundation Invites Los Angeles Artists to Apply for Cover Art Award
Deadline: May 4, 2007
The California Community Foundation's ( ) Cover Art Award is designed to support an emerging Los Angeles artist working in painting, drawing, or printmaking by purchasing an artwork that best reflects the foundation's annual theme: "Arts and Culture in Diverse Communities."
This year's theme embodies CCF's goal to support initiatives that expand access to the arts for low-income populations, recognize non-traditional art forms among various cultures, and leverage the arts as a means of revitalizing neighborhoods. The foundation will feature the winning artwork in its 2007 annual report cover, invitations and other publications, and a limited-edition lithograph.
Cover art award guidelines and application instructions are available at the CCF Web site. RFP Link: For additional RFPs in Arts and Culture, visit:
Theatre Communications Group Offers Travel Grants
Deadline: April 30, 2007
The Theatre Communications Group ( ) is inviting applications for TCG/ITI Travel Grants, which support travel in either direction between theater professionals in the U.S. and their counterparts in Russia or Central/Eastern Europe, including Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Herzegovina, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine, and Yugoslavia.
This grant program was developed by TCG in collaboration with the International Theatre Institute ( ) and is funded by the Trust for Mutual Understanding ( ). Grants of $3,000 will be awarded to theaters and individual theater professionals (artists, administrators, or educators) to cover transportation and living expenses essential to the project, including research materials, communication costs, theater tickets, and/or the services of an interpreter.
Theaters applying on behalf of theater professional(s) must be able to demonstrate not-for-profit, tax-exempt status; have a professional orientation and high artistic standards; and employ professional artists and administrators. Individual theater professionals must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and wish to initiate, continue, or deepen relationships with artists and/or theater companies in Russia and/or Eastern and Central Europe. Theater professionals who are affiliated with a U.S. theater company that will be involved in the international work must be sponsored by that theater and may not apply as an individual. The application postmark deadline for applicants scheduled to travel between July 1, 2007, and January 31, 2008, is April 30, 2007.
Visit the TCG Web site for complete program guidelines and application materials. RFP Link: For additional RFPs in Arts and Culture, visit:
Entries Invited for Knight-Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism
Deadline: June 13, 2007
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation ( ) funds the Knight-Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism to reward the creative use of new technologies to engage people in important public issues and to honor compelling models for the future of news. The program will honor pioneering approaches to journalism that encourage new forms of information sharing; spur non-traditional interactions that have an impact on community; enable new and better two-way conversations between audiences and news providers; and foster new ways of imparting useful information.
Among the prizes to be awarded are a $10,000 Grand Prize; up to $5,000 in Special Distinction Awards, including a Wild Card Award to be given at the judges' discretion to an early idea that may not be fully developed or a good idea that deserves publicity alongside the top winners; and a $1,000 Citizens Media Award to honor impact and achievement in the emerging field of citizen media and citizen-generated content.
Entries from all news producers are eligible. Entries must consist of journalism content created by a news-producing initiative. To enter, individuals must have been affiliated with such an initiative at the time of publication. Entries must have been published, aired, or launched between May 1, 2006, and June 12, 2007. For a series or ongoing news coverage, half of the individual installments must have been published, aired, or launched during the eligibility period. Citizen media entries originating between January 1, 2004, and June 12, 2007 are eligible to enter for the Citizens Media Award. Entries may include an entire Web site, a single story, a project, or a series of stories, exercises, or news "experiences." Pioneering efforts are encouraged.
Program guidelines are available at J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism Web site. Entries must include a $40 entry fee. RFP Link: For additional RFPs in Journalism/Media, visit:
a community of creativity - daily exercises to kickstart the imagination - all artists welcome
March 31, 2007
beyond concurrent control
“Looking at yourself in the mirror isn’t exactly a study of life”
Lauren Bacall
Lauren Bacall
No, but it might be a start for helping us move beyond concurrent control into lucid consciousness. Let’s practice again, using another one of the experiments from Ms. Levitan’s and Mr. LaBerge’s Testing the Limits of Dream Control: The Light & Mirror Experiment.
Today, observe your reflection in a mirror. Notice the details of your face without judgment! You are a scientist. You are an observer. Touch your face with your hand. Touch your hair. Watch your reflection closely. Before you go to sleep, visualize your reflection. Try to remember the details of your hand movements and facial expressions. As you drift to sleep, tell yourself TONIGHT I WILL SEE MYSELF IN A MIRROR IN MY DREAMS.
As you dream, see yourself rise out of bed and find the mirror. See yourself reflected in it. Now, make your hands move over your face and hair. Tell yourself that this is a dream and you are now lucid. Try to walk through the mirror to see what is on the other side.
When you wake up, make sure to record your experiences in your journal.
March 30, 2007
lucid dreaming
”Why exist in symbols when you can transcend into direct insight.”
-- Tony Crisp
-- Tony Crisp
In Testing the Limits of Dream Control: The Light & Mirror Experiment, Lynne Levitan and Stephen LaBerge, the founder of the Lucidity Institute at Stanford, define “concurrent control” as the ability to determine or alter the course of a dream as it happens.
They argue that concurrent control is not limited to lucid dreaming, but occurs anytime we act in a dream even if that action happened unconsciously. The goal for our work is to move beyond concurrent control into lucid consciousness. We want to be able to make deliberate choices and take action during our dream. We want full knowledge that we are experiencing a dream and we want to be able to observe the effects of our choices. We want the ability to stop a dream, go back and begin another course of action.
Ms. Levitan and Mr. LaBerge performed experiments as part of the “Night Light” studies to determine how successful people are at accomplishing a well-defined task in lucid dreams. Let’s use a version of their methodology to experiment on ourselves.
Today, practice turning on and off the light in your room. Look at the light, look at the switch. If you have a dimmer, notice the changes in the light brightness. This is your practical rehearsal. Before you go to sleep, visualize yourself turning the light one and off. Try to remember the details of your light switch and the quality of the actual light’s brightness. As you drift to sleep, tell yourself TONIGHT I WILL MAKE MYSELF TURN ON A LIGHT IN MY DREAMS.
As you dream, see yourself rise out of bed and find the light switch. Turn it on and turn it off. Now, try to turn the lights on and off by just willing it to happen. You don’t need to touch the light switch. Try to change the quality of the light from dim to bright. What else can you do?
When you wake up, make sure to record your experiences in your journal.
free NYU party in LA
Los Angeles, California
Thursday, April 12, 2007
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Join NYU alumni, parents, and friends from your community for a very special evening of networking and lively conversation at the breathtaking Westin Bonaventure Hotel. Celebrate the 175th anniversary of NYU's founding with Debra LaMorte, senior vice president for development and alumni relations.
Enjoy NYU's 175th Anniversary video retrospective which explores NYU's evolution from a small commuter college to a leading global university.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
7:00 - 8:30 PM
The Westin Bonaventure Hotel
404 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, California
Complimentary hors d'oeuvres, a champagne toast, and anniversary cake willbe served. A cash bar will be available. This event is complimentary for all NYU alumni, parents and friends. Pleaseregister at or bycontacting Elizabeth Hamilton at 212-998-6973 or
Thursday, April 12, 2007
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Join NYU alumni, parents, and friends from your community for a very special evening of networking and lively conversation at the breathtaking Westin Bonaventure Hotel. Celebrate the 175th anniversary of NYU's founding with Debra LaMorte, senior vice president for development and alumni relations.
Enjoy NYU's 175th Anniversary video retrospective which explores NYU's evolution from a small commuter college to a leading global university.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
7:00 - 8:30 PM
The Westin Bonaventure Hotel
404 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, California
Complimentary hors d'oeuvres, a champagne toast, and anniversary cake willbe served. A cash bar will be available. This event is complimentary for all NYU alumni, parents and friends. Pleaseregister at or bycontacting Elizabeth Hamilton at 212-998-6973 or
two NYU events in CA - SF and Dana Point
San Francisco, CA
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Join NYU alumni, parents, and friends from your community for a very specialevening of networking and lively conversation.6:00-7:00 PMAre you confused about what to eat? Tired of flip-flopping dietary reports?Want to know which foods are truly good for you? Let Marion Nestle, Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at NYU's Steinhardt School, help navigate your nutrition as she shares her views on how and why choosing what to eat is more difficult than ever. She will examine the politics of food and the role of marketing on our dietary choices. Professor Nestle is the author of What to Eat: An Aisle-by-AisleGuide to Savvy Food Choices and Good Eating.
7:00-8:30 PM
What makes NYU so popular among today's students and faculty? Join DebraLaMorte, senior vice president for development and alumni relations, for an energetic discussion of NYU's current popularity and a celebration of NYU's175th anniversary. Beverages and hors d'oeuvres will be served.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
6:00 - 8:30 PM
The Ritz Carlton
600 Stockton Street
San Francisco, California
$15 per person
$10 per person for graduates from 1996-2006
This event is complimentary for members of University Giving Clubs, whichare listed on the registration site, and for members of the Society of theTorch. Complimentary admission is also extended to alumni who contribute$100 or more per year to The Fund for NYU, and to all current NYU parents. Please register at by contacting Elizabeth Hamilton at 212-998-6973
Dana Point, CA
Thursday, April 12, 2007
6:30 - 8:30 PM
The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel
One Ritz-Carlton Drive
Dana Point, California
$15 per person
$10 per person for graduates from 1996-2006
This event is complimentary for members of University Giving Clubs, which are listed on the registration site, and for members of the Society of theTorch. Complimentary admission is also extended to alumni who contribute$100 or more per year to The Fund for NYU, and to all current NYU parents.Please register at orby contacting Elizabeth Hamilton at 212-998-6973
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Join NYU alumni, parents, and friends from your community for a very specialevening of networking and lively conversation.6:00-7:00 PMAre you confused about what to eat? Tired of flip-flopping dietary reports?Want to know which foods are truly good for you? Let Marion Nestle, Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at NYU's Steinhardt School, help navigate your nutrition as she shares her views on how and why choosing what to eat is more difficult than ever. She will examine the politics of food and the role of marketing on our dietary choices. Professor Nestle is the author of What to Eat: An Aisle-by-AisleGuide to Savvy Food Choices and Good Eating.
7:00-8:30 PM
What makes NYU so popular among today's students and faculty? Join DebraLaMorte, senior vice president for development and alumni relations, for an energetic discussion of NYU's current popularity and a celebration of NYU's175th anniversary. Beverages and hors d'oeuvres will be served.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
6:00 - 8:30 PM
The Ritz Carlton
600 Stockton Street
San Francisco, California
$15 per person
$10 per person for graduates from 1996-2006
This event is complimentary for members of University Giving Clubs, whichare listed on the registration site, and for members of the Society of theTorch. Complimentary admission is also extended to alumni who contribute$100 or more per year to The Fund for NYU, and to all current NYU parents. Please register at by contacting Elizabeth Hamilton at 212-998-6973
Dana Point, CA
Thursday, April 12, 2007
6:30 - 8:30 PM
The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel
One Ritz-Carlton Drive
Dana Point, California
$15 per person
$10 per person for graduates from 1996-2006
This event is complimentary for members of University Giving Clubs, which are listed on the registration site, and for members of the Society of theTorch. Complimentary admission is also extended to alumni who contribute$100 or more per year to The Fund for NYU, and to all current NYU parents.Please register at orby contacting Elizabeth Hamilton at 212-998-6973
March 29, 2007
a dream of on-going significance
”A note of music gains significance from the silence on either side”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
In my 20’s, I had a dream that I was climbing a very steep mountain someplace far away like Nepal. And as I was climbing, my hair became longer and curlier and I was aging into my 30’s and then my 40’s and I was becoming stronger, more competent and more beautiful. I understood, even while I was dreaming, that the mountain was a symbol for my life. That I would ascend but the climb would be a challenge but I would reach the top in my 40’s and that I would have amazing, long curly hair when I got there.Anne Morrow Lindbergh
That dream has been with me for ten years now. An analyst would say it is a dream that has “on-going significance” because my memory of it is as vivid now as it was the day I had it. The interpretation ten years ago relied on my unknown future. At that time, the mountain symbolized the passage of time, climbing toward success, the struggle to reach the top.
Ten years later, the dream has taken on a much more literal layer of meaning. I am approaching my 40’s (how did that happen?), am growing out my hair (which is coming in curly and gray!) and have been writing about a journey to Nepal.
Maybe that mountain wasn’t a symbol of my career – maybe it was an actual mountain in Nepal! Regardless of whether the dream was prophetic or symbolic, it has sustained me for nearly ten years.
Is there a dream, in your memory, that has on-going significance for you? Think back to the night when you had that dream and what it meant to you then. Spend the day today meditating on that dream, trying to remember its details. Why was it significant? Why has it stayed with you?
How has your interpretation of the dream changed from then to now? Has the dream been instructive in any way? Has it influenced any choices you have made? Write all this down in your journal and take note of any “body truth” that might shake loose while you’re remembering.
teaching jobs in the arts
* Chair, Department of Theatre Florida International University (Florida) (date posted: 3/26/2007)
* Chair, Department of Theatre Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne (Indiana) (date posted: 3/26/2007)
* Drama Instructor Garden City Community College (Kansas) (date posted: 3/28/2007)
* Openings for the 2007-2008 Academic Year Winona State University (Minnesota) (date posted: 3/26/2007)
* Multiple Positions Western Carolina University (North Carolina) (date posted: 3/28/2007)
* Chair, Department of Theatre Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne (Indiana) (date posted: 3/26/2007)
* Drama Instructor Garden City Community College (Kansas) (date posted: 3/28/2007)
* Openings for the 2007-2008 Academic Year Winona State University (Minnesota) (date posted: 3/26/2007)
* Multiple Positions Western Carolina University (North Carolina) (date posted: 3/28/2007)
March 27, 2007
discount tix in mn

The Merchant of Venice
by William Shakespeare
directed by Joe Dowling
Wurtele Thrust Stage
now through May 6
Discounted Price: $13.50 - $26.00
Regular Price: $27 - $52
Choose from the following performances:
Friday, April 6 at 7:30 p.m.Sunday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m.Tuesday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m.Wednesday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m.Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m.Friday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Please share this offer with friends and colleagues, and enjoy a night out at the new Guthrie.Call the Guthrie Box Office at 612.377.2224 (toll-free 1.877.44STAGE) and ask for price code “HG” to receive this discount. This offer is not available online.
To help his friend win the heart of a wealthy heiress, a Venetian merchant borrows money from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender. Amid the blossoming love, romance and comic pursuits of the heart, Shylock's loan goes unpaid. The merchant must suffer the consequences of defaulting on the loan – and therefore pay the penalty: a pound of his own flesh.
Arguably one of William Shakespeare's most controversial plays, The Merchant of Venice introduces characters rich in complexity, humor and, most of all, flaws. On the surface or deep below, human imperfection glares brightly as we learn “all that glisters is not gold.”
March 26, 2007
"Three things cannot long be hidden the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
- Confucious
- Confucious
What does it feel like to recognize the truth of a dream? For me, the big sign that I’ve been shown a fundamental personal truth is that I burst into tears. That’s not an exaggeration, I actually burst into tears for about 30 seconds and then it’s over.
It’s rare that a dream moves me to tears but when it happens, you better believe I pay attention! I have learned these tears are not sadness but are instead the way my body releases tension and expresses a profound touch to my heart. It’s taken me a long time not to judge these “truth tears” and to stop stuffing them back down. I kept placing the improper interpretation upon them. I called them “despair” or “upset” when in fact, they are joyful, tears of relief! It’s my body’s way of saying to me:
I’ve been banging you over the head for a month about this, thank God you finally heard me!
People respond to truth in numerous ways. A friend recently told me that she becomes physically sick if she’s doing something “off her path” while another friend uses the phrase “the chill of truth” which reminds me of those tingles you get up and down your spine.
Tonight, give yourself 10 or 15 minutes in bed, alone, to meditate. Dim the lights and if you want, listen to some music. Use our “Watering The Garden” or our “Fruit Morphing” meditations to center yourself.
Tell your subconscious that you are ready to face a truth. Ask your dreams to make this truth very clear to you by showing you very literal representations and speaking to you clearly. Thank your subconscious in advance for the help it is going to give you tonight.
When you wake up and write down your dream, notice how your body is responding. Are you sleepy and numb? Is your stomach in knots? When you feel something, stop and breathe into it. Clear your mind and take a moment to listen internally. What is your body trying to tell you right now? How is it related to the dream?
free workshop in LA
Ellen Sandler, Co-Executive Producer of Everybody Loves Raymond, is offering a FREE Workshop on her "Secrets for Creative Dialogue". The seminar will be held on Sat., March 31st, at the Writers Store as the preamble to a launch party for her new book THE TV WRITER'S WORKBOOK: A CREATIVE APPROACH TO TELEVISION SCRIPTS. (Bantam/Dell).
RSVP - The Writers Store
800-272-8927 - mention Ellen Sandler event
RSVP - The Writers Store
800-272-8927 - mention Ellen Sandler event
Saturday, March 31st
The Writers Store
2040 Westwood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Workshop 4 - 5:30 p.m.
Book Launch Party: 5:30 - 7
March 23, 2007
printmaking fellowship
Kala Art Institute Invites Artists to Apply for Fellowship Competition and James D. Phelan Art Award in Printmaking
Deadline: May 4, 2007
The Kala Art Institute ( ) in Berkeley, California, is accepting applications for the Kala Fellowship Award and the James D. Phelan Art Award in Printmaking. Kala provides exceptional facilities to professional artists working in all forms of printmaking, digital media, photography, and book arts.
The Kala Fellowship Award Competition invites entries from exceptionally talented artists from the United States and around the world. Each year Kala chooses eight artists from a variety of disciplines such as traditional and digital printmaking, book arts, photography, film, video, and installation art.
Fellowship winners receive a $3,000 cash stipend, unlimited round-the-clock use of Kala's studio and equipment for up to six months, and a number of professional development and exhibition opportunities.
The James D. Phelan Art Awards, part of the Art Awards Program of the San Francisco Foundation ( ), recognize the achievements of California-born artists in a variety of disciplines. The Kala Art Institute administers the printmaking call-for-entries competition.
The award will honor two artists born in California with a cash prize of $4,000 each. The Kala Art Institute will also sponsor an exhibit in the fall of 2007 featuring their work. Application is open to any California-born artist; current California residency is not required.
This year Kala is testing a new dual application process by offering eligible artists the option to use one set of work samples for both the Kala Fellowship competition and the Phelan Printmaking awards.
Visit the Kala Web site for complete program guidelines and application procedures. RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Arts and Culture, visit:
Deadline: May 4, 2007
The Kala Art Institute ( ) in Berkeley, California, is accepting applications for the Kala Fellowship Award and the James D. Phelan Art Award in Printmaking. Kala provides exceptional facilities to professional artists working in all forms of printmaking, digital media, photography, and book arts.
The Kala Fellowship Award Competition invites entries from exceptionally talented artists from the United States and around the world. Each year Kala chooses eight artists from a variety of disciplines such as traditional and digital printmaking, book arts, photography, film, video, and installation art.
Fellowship winners receive a $3,000 cash stipend, unlimited round-the-clock use of Kala's studio and equipment for up to six months, and a number of professional development and exhibition opportunities.
The James D. Phelan Art Awards, part of the Art Awards Program of the San Francisco Foundation ( ), recognize the achievements of California-born artists in a variety of disciplines. The Kala Art Institute administers the printmaking call-for-entries competition.
The award will honor two artists born in California with a cash prize of $4,000 each. The Kala Art Institute will also sponsor an exhibit in the fall of 2007 featuring their work. Application is open to any California-born artist; current California residency is not required.
This year Kala is testing a new dual application process by offering eligible artists the option to use one set of work samples for both the Kala Fellowship competition and the Phelan Printmaking awards.
Visit the Kala Web site for complete program guidelines and application procedures. RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Arts and Culture, visit:
life is art is life
“Deliver me from writers who say the way they live doesn't matter.”
Alice Walker
In the past few days you have identified some recurring themes or symbols and sought out possible interpretations of those symbols. Do you recognize any of these symbols, themes in your creative work?Alice Walker
You’ve also interpreted a dream in detail. Does that interpretation relate to any of your creative work? When you receive feedback or criticism of your work does it sound anything like those interpretations? Are the two related? Just as you identified the recurring themes in your dreams, I want you to now turn that detective vision onto your creative work.
I dream often of pools, swimming in them, being able to breathe underwater, etc. My most recent two plays no, make that two plays and a screenplay have scenes in pools! In my work, the pools represent rivers, bayous and hotel spas but they also represent baptism, resurrection, cleansing and loneliness. Maybe I need to apply my understanding of the larger symbolism from my plays to my dreams. Maybe the reverse is true for you.
Pick only two or three pieces from your body of creation. Maybe it’s a series of plays done over several years. Maybe it’s a recent series of sketches that are not yet finished. Maybe it’s the lyrics to songs you haven’t sung in fifteen years. Maybe it’s a series of gardens you’ve grown season after season. Think about your body of work and expand your understanding of “work” to include what you have created in your life. Your home, your friends, your children, your cooking.
Don’t overwhelm yourself. Remember, I said above “Pick only two or three pieces from your body of creation.”
Now answer this question:
What are the similarities between the way you live, the work you create and the dreams you have?
production stage manager needed in nyc
Daily Creator EH sends us this notice:
Dear Friends,
I am seeking an experienced Production Stage Manager for a self-production of my latest chamber opera. I have not yet advertised in the trades. I would appreciate knowing if you have any ideas about good people, or feel free to forward. Information below:
for world premiere of contemporary chamber opera by composer Evan Hause
"Man: Biology of a Fall" is a historical-fictional account of the one of the most dubious and mysterious defenstrations in American history, that of biochemist Frank Olson in 1953. The work is in three acts utilizing 12 singers and and orchestra of 14, with modest use of
electronic visual and sound design in addition to traditional sets. The cast, musical and design team will be comprised of some of New York City's best and brightest emerging and established talents. The venue is the recently-built, state-of-the-art Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts of Long Island University in Brooklyn (Flatbush area)
-Prior experience required; theater PMs/PSMs without opera experience may apply
-Tech/Performance week is Oct. 1-7, 2007
-Rehersals begin around Sept. 1
-Job filled May 1 or earlier
-Pay is competitive
Duties include: manage or maintain production budget, schedule and technical information; communication with musical director, director, design team, crew, and theater staff; supervise purchase/rental of materials; locate and book rehearsal space; locate and hire assistants as needed; other duties as needed by General Manager.
Please submit resume or questions to Evan Hause (Composer/Producer) at
Dear Friends,
I am seeking an experienced Production Stage Manager for a self-production of my latest chamber opera. I have not yet advertised in the trades. I would appreciate knowing if you have any ideas about good people, or feel free to forward. Information below:
for world premiere of contemporary chamber opera by composer Evan Hause
"Man: Biology of a Fall" is a historical-fictional account of the one of the most dubious and mysterious defenstrations in American history, that of biochemist Frank Olson in 1953. The work is in three acts utilizing 12 singers and and orchestra of 14, with modest use of
electronic visual and sound design in addition to traditional sets. The cast, musical and design team will be comprised of some of New York City's best and brightest emerging and established talents. The venue is the recently-built, state-of-the-art Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts of Long Island University in Brooklyn (Flatbush area)
-Prior experience required; theater PMs/PSMs without opera experience may apply
-Tech/Performance week is Oct. 1-7, 2007
-Rehersals begin around Sept. 1
-Job filled May 1 or earlier
-Pay is competitive
Duties include: manage or maintain production budget, schedule and technical information; communication with musical director, director, design team, crew, and theater staff; supervise purchase/rental of materials; locate and book rehearsal space; locate and hire assistants as needed; other duties as needed by General Manager.
Please submit resume or questions to Evan Hause (Composer/Producer) at
March 22, 2007
auditions for taw monologue slam
Tisch alumni audition for TISCH ACTORS WEST First Ever MONOLOGUE SLAM !!!
If you're an NYU, Tisch Undergrad Drama Graduate, come on out & show us what ya got! Be seen by industry, share the stage with talented alumni & win some kickin' prizes!
Auditions: SUNDAY APRIL 1st
**Contact for an audition slot ASAP
*You must be a Graduate of the NYU UNDERGRAD Drama Program
*We need to see 2 minutes or less of the Monologue you intend to use at The Slam. You'll have more time at The Slam, but for this purpose, we only need to see 2 minutes.
*The Winner recieves: Title of SLAM CHAMPION, $300 CASH, Free Headshot Session, and other actor-friendly gifts...
The Monologue Slam Night will take place: April 30th @ The Odyssey Theatre, in West LA. There will be 3 Industry Judges, judging each piece with a Point System as well as Audience Reaction to determine the SLAM CHAMP!
1. Performers may use original text or text from existing scripts
2. Performers will compete in one (1) round. In the event of a tie the tied performers will compete in an act-off where they will perform their monolgue again and the winner will be chosen by round of applause.
3. Performers shall take no more than five (5) minutes to perform their piece. Overtime will be penalized with a one (1) point deduction.
4. The clock starts when the actor says the first word or when the performance is begun in some way - introductions or any discussions are counted in the five (5) min.
5. Monologues may be performed with one (1) prop. Music or other special effects are not allowed.
6. A panel of jindustry udges will score each performance, awarding a maximum of fifteen (15) points per monologue (5 for believability, 5 for committment, 5 for audience connection)
Thanks & see you there! Please pass this onto other Alums!
If you're an NYU, Tisch Undergrad Drama Graduate, come on out & show us what ya got! Be seen by industry, share the stage with talented alumni & win some kickin' prizes!
Auditions: SUNDAY APRIL 1st
**Contact for an audition slot ASAP
*You must be a Graduate of the NYU UNDERGRAD Drama Program
*We need to see 2 minutes or less of the Monologue you intend to use at The Slam. You'll have more time at The Slam, but for this purpose, we only need to see 2 minutes.
*The Winner recieves: Title of SLAM CHAMPION, $300 CASH, Free Headshot Session, and other actor-friendly gifts...
The Monologue Slam Night will take place: April 30th @ The Odyssey Theatre, in West LA. There will be 3 Industry Judges, judging each piece with a Point System as well as Audience Reaction to determine the SLAM CHAMP!
1. Performers may use original text or text from existing scripts
2. Performers will compete in one (1) round. In the event of a tie the tied performers will compete in an act-off where they will perform their monolgue again and the winner will be chosen by round of applause.
3. Performers shall take no more than five (5) minutes to perform their piece. Overtime will be penalized with a one (1) point deduction.
4. The clock starts when the actor says the first word or when the performance is begun in some way - introductions or any discussions are counted in the five (5) min.
5. Monologues may be performed with one (1) prop. Music or other special effects are not allowed.
6. A panel of jindustry udges will score each performance, awarding a maximum of fifteen (15) points per monologue (5 for believability, 5 for committment, 5 for audience connection)
Thanks & see you there! Please pass this onto other Alums!
methods of interpretation
“Interpretation is the revenge of the intellectual upon art.”
-- Susan Sontag
It is one thing to pick and choose symbols for interpretation, but what does an entire dream say to us? One of the artists on this blog sent a dream to me and I thought I might offer it up as a chance to explore interpretation.
“I have a recurring flying dream that is terrifying because I can't come down or land, I just keep rising higher & further from the tree tops.”
Is this a “classic” anxiety dream? Me, I claim to the Queen of Anxiety Dreams, I have them so often. What seems most important is not the flying but the sense that the dreamer has lost control and is scared. Unsaid, but suggested, is the deep desire to get “grounded” which seems to be less and less possible as the dreamer floats further away from the rooted trees.
This is just my interpretation of the dream. I bet you have your own. What seems most important to you about this dream? Are your dreams more vivid when you go to bed worried? Do anxiety dreams help you work out an issue?
Pick one of your dreams and explore it in detail. Interpret it first based on the emotions you felt while dreaming. Explore why these emotions were triggered. What are the opposites of those emotions? If you felt terrified, does it mean you actually want to feel safe? If you’re frantic from being chased, does it mean you want to stop running?
Now rewrite your dream using synonyms or different descriptive adjectives. Like above the word “rooted” refers both to the tree and the dreamer’s desire to stop flying. What if I had replaced the original words “tree tops” with “Nature” or “The Earth” or “forest” – how does that change the interpretation?
Some therapists also suggest “free association” interpretation where you pick a word from the dream such as “terrifying” and let your imagination riff on it such as:
terrifying – horror – movie – business – agent – work – checks – bank – bills – need to do my bills
teaching jobs in the arts
* College of the Sequoias Career Opportunities College of the Sequoias (California) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Scenic Design Faculty University of Miami (Florida) (date posted: 3/20/2007)
* Positions in Performing Arts Savannah College of Art and Design (Georgia) (date posted: 3/16/2007)
* Multiple Positions Joliet Junior College (Illinois) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Lecturer Theater & Dance Princeton University (New Jersey) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Dance and Theatre Eastern New Mexico University (New Mexico) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Theater Daemen College (New York) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Theatre Generalist Faculty Shawnee State University (Ohio) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Scenic Design Faculty University of Miami (Florida) (date posted: 3/20/2007)
* Positions in Performing Arts Savannah College of Art and Design (Georgia) (date posted: 3/16/2007)
* Multiple Positions Joliet Junior College (Illinois) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Lecturer Theater & Dance Princeton University (New Jersey) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Dance and Theatre Eastern New Mexico University (New Mexico) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Theater Daemen College (New York) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
* Theatre Generalist Faculty Shawnee State University (Ohio) (date posted: 3/19/2007)
March 21, 2007
dramatist guild in pittsburgh
DRAMATISTS GUILD WEEKEND in Pittsburgh (All playwrights are welcomed; members and non-members.)
One of our first efforts to extend the Guild into other parts of the country, and to unite our membership from state to state, will begin in Pittsburgh. During the last weekend in March, the Guild -- hosted by the Pittsburgh Public Theatre -- will sponsor a number of interesting, exciting events for playwrights and their supporters.
Friday, March 30th:
6:00-7:00 A Conversation With Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty. While in residence for their new musical The Glorious Ones for PPT, Lynn and Stephen (Once On This Island, Suessical, Ragtime) will share a conversation with the Guild's Greg Bossler on their work in the musical theatre, from the beginning of their careers to the present.
7:00 pm: Master Class in Playwriting with Gary Garrison (for bio go to ). Space is limited to the first 25 playwrights on a first come, first served basis. The workshop, Keeping the Drama in Your Work and Out of Your Life, is base on Garrison's best-selling book of the same name. To reserve, contact Rob Zellers at ( or call 412-316-8200 X715 (email is best, but call if you must).
Saturday, March 31st:
10:00 am: Dramatists Guild Town Hall meeting with Gary Garrison, DG Executive Director, Creative Affairs and Greg Bossler, DG Director of Publications, and Regional DG Rep, Julie Tosh. Members and non-members are invited to attend. Garrison and Bossler will give a brief overview of the Guild, discuss plans for its future and then open to the floor to all and any questions.
11:00 am: Round table on theatre in Pittsburgh. Artist representatives from theatres large and small in the Pittsburgh community will discuss what each of their institutions do towards nurturing new plays and playwrights as well as their own unique mission statements.
2:00 Pittsburgh Public Theatre's production of Life x 3, by Yasmina Reza. 50 tickets are being held for DG members on a first come, first served basis. Please contact Rob Zellers at ( or call 412-316-8200 X715 (email is best, but call if you must).
One of our first efforts to extend the Guild into other parts of the country, and to unite our membership from state to state, will begin in Pittsburgh. During the last weekend in March, the Guild -- hosted by the Pittsburgh Public Theatre -- will sponsor a number of interesting, exciting events for playwrights and their supporters.
Friday, March 30th:
6:00-7:00 A Conversation With Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty. While in residence for their new musical The Glorious Ones for PPT, Lynn and Stephen (Once On This Island, Suessical, Ragtime) will share a conversation with the Guild's Greg Bossler on their work in the musical theatre, from the beginning of their careers to the present.
7:00 pm: Master Class in Playwriting with Gary Garrison (for bio go to ). Space is limited to the first 25 playwrights on a first come, first served basis. The workshop, Keeping the Drama in Your Work and Out of Your Life, is base on Garrison's best-selling book of the same name. To reserve, contact Rob Zellers at ( or call 412-316-8200 X715 (email is best, but call if you must).
Saturday, March 31st:
10:00 am: Dramatists Guild Town Hall meeting with Gary Garrison, DG Executive Director, Creative Affairs and Greg Bossler, DG Director of Publications, and Regional DG Rep, Julie Tosh. Members and non-members are invited to attend. Garrison and Bossler will give a brief overview of the Guild, discuss plans for its future and then open to the floor to all and any questions.
11:00 am: Round table on theatre in Pittsburgh. Artist representatives from theatres large and small in the Pittsburgh community will discuss what each of their institutions do towards nurturing new plays and playwrights as well as their own unique mission statements.
2:00 Pittsburgh Public Theatre's production of Life x 3, by Yasmina Reza. 50 tickets are being held for DG members on a first come, first served basis. Please contact Rob Zellers at ( or call 412-316-8200 X715 (email is best, but call if you must).
sally field speaks in nyc

Gallatin Is Pleased to Announce the Spring 2007 Albert Gallatin Lecture
An Evening with Sally Field
Join award-winning actress Sally Field in a conversation about life, learning,and an evolving career. Q & A and reception to follow.
Monday, April 16 at 6:30 p.m.
Yalincak Lecture Hall, 19 West Fourth Street (corner of Mercer Street)
RSVP at or call 212-998-7380
Sally Field is a two-time Academy Award winner for her performances in Places inthe Heart, for which she also received a Golden Globe, and Norma Rae, for whichshe received a Golden Globe, NewYork Film Critics prize, and Best Actress awardat the Cannes Film Festival, among other honors. Field has also received GoldenGlobe nominations for her work in Smokey and the Bandit, Absence of Malice, KissMe Goodbye, Steel Magnolias, and Forrest Gump.
A prolific film and television star, Field began her career on the TV series Gidget. She has received Emmy Awards for her title role in the landmarkminiseries Sybil, as well as for her performances on ER and in the NBCminiseries A Woman of Independent Means, which she co-produced. Since 1996, shehas directed several projects, including the feature film Beautiful. In 2002,Field made her Broadway debut in Edward Albee’s The Goat, and later receivedrave reviews for her role as Amanda in Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie at the Kennedy Center. Currently, she costars in the ABC series Brothers & Sisters.
The Albert Gallatin Lectures bring a series of notable figures from the worldsof politics, the arts, business, and academia to New York University to discusscontemporary issues with students, faculty, and members of the wider community.
Presented by the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, the Albert Gallatin Lectures reflect the School’s academic philosophy, which is firmly rooted in theidea that knowledge and understanding grow through conversation and collaboration.
“In intuitive dream interpretation, we are looking for an immediate, holistic response to the dream.”
-- Henry Reed
Yesterday, you reread your dreams and made a list of any recurring images, similarities and themes. If you had a new dream last night, compare it to the notes you made and add any additional images to your list. It’s time now for you to do some research to find out what these images might mean.
First, think about the way you spent your day before you had the dream. Did parts of your day get replayed while you were sleeping? Are there any images that are clearly the representation of the people or places you deal with daily?
If the images seem to be more symbolic or confusing, then it’s time to delve look for answers. You have been a collector of dreams now become an interpreter.
TODAY’S CREATIVITY CHALLENGE: You have a couple of options today.
Visit the website: There is an online dream dictionary that lists several thousand dream symbols plus there is a dream interpretation tutorial that might be helpful. (There are tons of sites that offer up interpretation – pick and choose the ones that seem interesting to you.)
Go to a used book store or a library and find a dream interpretation book or a book about tarot, read through it and see if the images/meanings resonate with you.
Call a friend who knows you well and talk about the images, retell the most vivid of your dreams. Sometimes an outside eye can see the obvious when we can’t!
No matter what you choose to do to aid in your interpretation, listen to your gut. No one knows you better than you and a symbol or image can mean many things to many people.
I always know when I get that “aha” feeling that now my dream make sense and I’ve found what I need to know.
First, think about the way you spent your day before you had the dream. Did parts of your day get replayed while you were sleeping? Are there any images that are clearly the representation of the people or places you deal with daily?
If the images seem to be more symbolic or confusing, then it’s time to delve look for answers. You have been a collector of dreams now become an interpreter.
TODAY’S CREATIVITY CHALLENGE: You have a couple of options today.
Visit the website: There is an online dream dictionary that lists several thousand dream symbols plus there is a dream interpretation tutorial that might be helpful. (There are tons of sites that offer up interpretation – pick and choose the ones that seem interesting to you.)
Go to a used book store or a library and find a dream interpretation book or a book about tarot, read through it and see if the images/meanings resonate with you.
Call a friend who knows you well and talk about the images, retell the most vivid of your dreams. Sometimes an outside eye can see the obvious when we can’t!
No matter what you choose to do to aid in your interpretation, listen to your gut. No one knows you better than you and a symbol or image can mean many things to many people.
I always know when I get that “aha” feeling that now my dream make sense and I’ve found what I need to know.
7 week writing lab in LA

Creativity Lab
A 7 week workshop in which students will develop the musculature and habits of authentic, connected writing. In-class exercises will act as the basic currency of class; exercises are designed to connect each writer to his or her source material and to engage the deeper mind.This is the place to take risks and to explore possiblity. Warning: Participants may find themselves thinking, writing and moving in new ways as a result of this work.
For More
Price: $300.00
Location: Mid-Wilshire
BIO:Brooke Berman is an award winning playwright whose work has been seen across the U.S. and in London. Brooke has won assorted awards and fellowships. She has taught multi-disciplinary creativity labs for nearly 10 years in New York City and has taught playwriting for 5, most recently at New Dramatists through the "24 With 5" teaching collective which Brooke helped to form. Brooke has also taught at Fordham University, Eugene Lang College, The University of Rochester, MCC Theater Company and Soho Rep in New York. Originally a performer, Brooke wrote and performed autobiographical monologues for over ten years. She trained in the experimental theater with Anne Bogart and has studied playwriting with Marsha Norman, Christopher Durang, and Jon Robin Baitz and Maria Irene Fornes. Brooke is a member of New Dramatists, The Dramatists Guild, and the MCC Playwrights Coalition, and is the Director of the Playwrights Lab for the MCC Youth Company, a fully operational theater company and training ground for NYC public high school students. Brooke is currently living in Los Angeles working on assorted film projects. Her play HUNTING AND GATHERING will be produced Off-Broadway in the 2007-2008 season.
"… A few writers in our Collective have studied with Brooke at various points in their development. Each has raved about her ability to bring them deeper, submerge them in their own history orwhatever they may wish to claim and manifest as their own. They resurface invigorated and able to get inside of their material more readily and more freely."
-- April Biggs, poet and director of The Biggs, a writing collective
"It is not axiomatic that a fine playwright make a fine teaching of playwriting, or any other kind of writing, for that matter. But Brooke brings the same sense of imagination, wonder and rigor to herwork as a teacher as her writing so clearly manifests."
-- Daniel Aukin, Artistic Director, Soho Rep Theater
"Brooke has a way of reaching students by working in a comfortable,relaxed and non-threatening atmosphere... (she) brings her full attention to her students and their world."
-- Lynda Cury, Educator and former Director of Education, MCC Theater
“Brooke Berman teaches her students the invaluable lesson of how to write first from the heart, then from the head. Her process allows the writer to access parts of their creativity they never knew existed.”
-- Katie Miller, Director of Education & Outreach, MCC Theater
-- Katie Miller, Director of Education & Outreach, MCC Theater
ny panel for gallatin alumni

All Gallatin alumni are invited to attend...
PANEL DISCUSSION: Body Image in the Age of Perfection
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Casa Italiana, 24 West 12th St. (between 5th & 6th Aves.)
6pm - 8pm
NYU I.D. or valid photo I.D. required for admission.
Images of female bodies are everywhere. Women—and their body parts—sell everything from food to cars. Popular film and television actresses are becoming younger, taller, and thinner. Women’s magazines are full of articles urging that if they can just lose those last twenty pounds, they’ll have it all—the perfect marriage, loving children, fantastic intimacy, and a rewarding career.
Men have become more body-conscious. As advertisers become more shameless about objectifying the male physique, men are acquiring problems formerly associated with women: eating disorders, body obsessions, low physical self-esteem. One body-image study found that 45 percent of men were dissatisfied with their physiques.
Laura Ciolkowski, Gallatin Adjunct Professor. Laura teaches courses on the politics of the body, feminism and modern culture.
Courtney Martin, Gallatin alumna (MA ’04) and author of “Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters: The Frightening New Normalcy of Hating Your Body.” Courtney is a journalist who has written on the topics of gender, politics, and Generation Y.
Anne S. McEneaney is a clinical psychologist at NYU Counseling and Behavioral Health Services; she has worked with people with eating and body image problems since 1984.
Stephen Dimmick, Makeup Artist. Stephen grew up in the air force, coal mining town of Ipswich in Queensland Australia. He says makeup was his defense against the ravages of narrow-mindedness.
Refreshments will be served.
NYU I.D. or valid photo I.D. required for admission.
congrats to daily creator KSE

Karen Siff Exkorn, author of The Autism Sourcebook, appeared on Good Morning America on
March 13th to discuss early signs of autism and regressive autism. You can access the 4 minute video "Detecting Autism" at:
(you will hear a 10-second audio commercial before the video appears)
March 13th to discuss early signs of autism and regressive autism. You can access the 4 minute video "Detecting Autism" at:
(you will hear a 10-second audio commercial before the video appears)
The Autism Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Treatment, Coping and Healing—From a Mother Whose Child Recovered (ReganBoooks/HarperCollins 2005).
The Autism Sourcebook at Amazon
The Autism Sourcebook at Barnes and Noble
The Autism Sourcebook at Amazon
The Autism Sourcebook at Barnes and Noble
March 20, 2007
discount for nyu - show in la
NYU Discount on Sunday April 1st @ 7 pm. $12. Just say 'NYU' at the door when you purchase your tix
The Credeaux Canvas
By Keith Bunin
March 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, &
April 5, 6, 7
@ 8 pm
March 25 and April 1& 8
@ 7 pm
Elephant Stageworks - The Elephant Space Theater
6322 Santa Monica Blvd
Hollywood, CA
Directed by Carrie Preston
Nick Mills (NYU Grad Acting '06)
Rami Malek
Liz Vitalk
Eileen T'Kaye
Admission $15
(NYU Discount on Sunday April 1st @ 7 pm.
$12. Just say 'NYU' at the door when you purchase your tix)
For reservations:
The Credeaux Canvas
By Keith Bunin
March 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, &
April 5, 6, 7
@ 8 pm
March 25 and April 1& 8
@ 7 pm
Elephant Stageworks - The Elephant Space Theater
6322 Santa Monica Blvd
Hollywood, CA
Directed by Carrie Preston
Nick Mills (NYU Grad Acting '06)
Rami Malek
Liz Vitalk
Eileen T'Kaye
Admission $15
(NYU Discount on Sunday April 1st @ 7 pm.
$12. Just say 'NYU' at the door when you purchase your tix)
For reservations:
spf news

The SPF Salon Series is designed to provide a forum for discussion that provokes, informs and entertains while examining ideas and concerns of relevance to the theatre today.
Moderated by Time Out New York theatre critics David Cote and Adam Feldman, each month will bring new guests and topics to the intimate 50 seat Studio Theatre at Theatre Row. Guests will have the opportunity to hear and talk with some of the industry's most interesting figures.
Next Up:
Blogging The Show: Theatre, the Media, and Blogs
Monday, March 26, 2007
Isaac Butler - Parabasis
Cara Joy David - Full Force Theater Musings
Garrett Eisler - The Playgoer
George Hunka - Superfluities
David Cote - Histriomastix and Time Out New York (Moderator)
Tickets to the Salon Series are available free of charge, but are extremely limited.
To reserve your seat, email us at
The Salons will take place from 7:30pm until 9:00pm at the Studio Theatre, Theatre Row at 410 West 42nd Street, between 9th and 10th Avenues.
Refreshments will be served. Please note that guests are subject to change.
CTI Producer's Workshop
26th Annual Broadway Producing Conference
Friday - SundayMay 4-6, 2007
Broadway's most experienced players offer practical and actionable information to aspiring producers and investors. 24 hours of intensive instruction over 3 days in New York City.
Space is limited. Register now. Fee: $400. Register by March 9 and pay just $325.
Register at or by phone at 212-586-1109. Please use code SPF319.
March 19, 2007
posted a little early - the search for symbol
“Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self.
-- Jean-Luc Godard
Last night, we made a specific request of our subconscious. We said “help” and maybe we received that help or maybe, today, we are feeling abandoned, lost or even more confused. Did you have a dream that seems completely unrelated to the question you asked? Did you wake up unable to remember anything at all?
The best way to understand our present is to examine our past. And sometimes, the past is as simple as last week.
Reread the dreams you have written into your dream journal. If you journal every day, go back and reread any dreams you’ve had in the last few months or year.
Make a list of things that feel like they may be related. Maybe one dream you were standing by a lake and a few days later you had a dream where you were swimming in a pool. Are they related?
Are there any recurring images in your dreams? Are there certain people who show up time and time again? Do you recognize any patterns in your dreams? Are there any recurring themes? Even if it seems like a flimsy connection, write it down.
Look over the similarities, themes, things that might be symbols…do they mean anything to you? Do they remind you of anyone or anything? Do they have anything to do with this unresolved issue that is on your mind?
The best way to understand our present is to examine our past. And sometimes, the past is as simple as last week.
Reread the dreams you have written into your dream journal. If you journal every day, go back and reread any dreams you’ve had in the last few months or year.
Make a list of things that feel like they may be related. Maybe one dream you were standing by a lake and a few days later you had a dream where you were swimming in a pool. Are they related?
Are there any recurring images in your dreams? Are there certain people who show up time and time again? Do you recognize any patterns in your dreams? Are there any recurring themes? Even if it seems like a flimsy connection, write it down.
Look over the similarities, themes, things that might be symbols…do they mean anything to you? Do they remind you of anyone or anything? Do they have anything to do with this unresolved issue that is on your mind?
congrats to daily creator KH
By Karen Hartman
Directed by Brian Mertes
On the eve of Israel's pullout from Gaza, five diverse characters battle over ideology, economics, and home. In the contemporary Middle East, who is David and who is Goliath?
With: Alma Cuervo, Jacob Fishel, Oscar Isaac, Sakina Jaffrey and Rutina Wesley
Readings on:
Thursday, March 22 at 4pm - Followed by a conversation about Israel, Palestine and how theater can approach real controversy
Wednesday, March 28 at 6pm
Theatre Row: The Studio Theatre, 4th Floor410 W. 42nd Street, between 9th and 10th Avenues
For reservations contact Voice & VisionPhone: 212-268-3717Email:
By Karen Hartman
Directed by Brian Mertes
On the eve of Israel's pullout from Gaza, five diverse characters battle over ideology, economics, and home. In the contemporary Middle East, who is David and who is Goliath?
With: Alma Cuervo, Jacob Fishel, Oscar Isaac, Sakina Jaffrey and Rutina Wesley
Readings on:
Thursday, March 22 at 4pm - Followed by a conversation about Israel, Palestine and how theater can approach real controversy
Wednesday, March 28 at 6pm
Theatre Row: The Studio Theatre, 4th Floor410 W. 42nd Street, between 9th and 10th Avenues
For reservations contact Voice & VisionPhone: 212-268-3717Email:
congrats to daily creator j.a.
Just thought you might be interested in hearing my very first RADIO interview segment that I produced and was broadcast on KPFK on Mar. 2nd. It's pretty cool - mp3
and to check out the entire program, go to:
my next segments will appear on Mar. 30th.
It's all about Tibet...
Julie mp3
and to check out the entire program, go to:
my next segments will appear on Mar. 30th.
It's all about Tibet...
women 40+ in film contest
Angela Bassett, Glenn Close, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sela Ward, Andie MacDowell, Jeanne Tripplehorn, and Other Prominent Women Will Serve on the More Women In Film VIP Jury
In its March 2007 issue, More magazine will launch a new signature program that will pave the way for more 40+ women in the film industry. The More Women In Film contests aims to uncover the best female screenwriters and directors over 40 in the country. More, in partnership with Women In Film, the leading nonprofit dedicated to empowering, promoting and mentoring women in the global entertainment industry, will accept full-length screenplays and short films of between 10 to 20 minutes in length from February 20 - June 1, 2007.
Submissions will be reviewed by a VIP panel of film industry insiders including Angela Bassett, Glenn Close, Jamie Lee Curtis, Allison Janney, Andie MacDowell, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Sela Ward, Gale Anne Hurd (Aliens and Terminator producer), Amy Heckerling (writer and director, whose projects include Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Clueless), Susan Seidelman (Desperately Seeking Susan director), Diana Ossana (Brokeback Mountain screenwriter), Ilene Chaiken (creator and producer of The L Word), Anne Thompson (The Hollywood Reporter film industry columnist), Mary Hansell (Austin Film Festival screenplay competition director), and Catherine Wyler (High Falls Film Festival artistic director).
Two out of three women in this country are over 40, but our stories, preoccupations and achievements continue to be underrepresented in our nations most influential art form, explained More Editor-in-Chief Peggy Northrop. "Im honored that so many actresses, directors and other prominent women in film are joining this initiative. When you increase the visibility for and the number of women writers and directors, you increase the number of great movie roles for women."
"This is an inspired initiative for the film community,"commented VIP Jury Member and five time Academy Award-nominated Actress Glenn Close. "As women move into their forties and beyond, their lives become richer and more complex and it's crucial that movie roles and projects reflect this reality. I'm thrilled to support the More Women In Film contests and can't wait to uncover talented screenwriters and directors across the country who can help make this advance in movies come true."
Northrop will first announce the contests in the magazines March issue, on newsstands February 20th. All entries must be submitted via mail and postmarked no later than June 1st, and the winners of the 2007 More Women In Film contests will be announced in the late fall of 2007. There is no fee to enter the contests.
Depending on which contest they win, winners will receive key opportunities to advance their film careers, including meetings with agents and studio development directors, a film screening at the High Falls Film Festival (Rochester, NY), the premier East Coast festival celebrating women in film, and a two-week intensive screenplay workshop at the Austin Writers Ranch in Austin and Los Angeles. Prizes also include cash ($5,000), all access passes to the Austin Film Festival and the High Falls Film Festival, a luxury spa getaway and more. As Media Partners for the More Women In Film initiative, The Hollywood Reporter and Turner Classic Movies will promote the contest in book and on air, respectively.
For additional information on the 2007 More Women In Film initiative, including complete rules and application information, please visit
Angela Bassett, Glenn Close, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sela Ward, Andie MacDowell, Jeanne Tripplehorn, and Other Prominent Women Will Serve on the More Women In Film VIP Jury
In its March 2007 issue, More magazine will launch a new signature program that will pave the way for more 40+ women in the film industry. The More Women In Film contests aims to uncover the best female screenwriters and directors over 40 in the country. More, in partnership with Women In Film, the leading nonprofit dedicated to empowering, promoting and mentoring women in the global entertainment industry, will accept full-length screenplays and short films of between 10 to 20 minutes in length from February 20 - June 1, 2007.
Submissions will be reviewed by a VIP panel of film industry insiders including Angela Bassett, Glenn Close, Jamie Lee Curtis, Allison Janney, Andie MacDowell, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Sela Ward, Gale Anne Hurd (Aliens and Terminator producer), Amy Heckerling (writer and director, whose projects include Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Clueless), Susan Seidelman (Desperately Seeking Susan director), Diana Ossana (Brokeback Mountain screenwriter), Ilene Chaiken (creator and producer of The L Word), Anne Thompson (The Hollywood Reporter film industry columnist), Mary Hansell (Austin Film Festival screenplay competition director), and Catherine Wyler (High Falls Film Festival artistic director).
Two out of three women in this country are over 40, but our stories, preoccupations and achievements continue to be underrepresented in our nations most influential art form, explained More Editor-in-Chief Peggy Northrop. "Im honored that so many actresses, directors and other prominent women in film are joining this initiative. When you increase the visibility for and the number of women writers and directors, you increase the number of great movie roles for women."
"This is an inspired initiative for the film community,"commented VIP Jury Member and five time Academy Award-nominated Actress Glenn Close. "As women move into their forties and beyond, their lives become richer and more complex and it's crucial that movie roles and projects reflect this reality. I'm thrilled to support the More Women In Film contests and can't wait to uncover talented screenwriters and directors across the country who can help make this advance in movies come true."
Northrop will first announce the contests in the magazines March issue, on newsstands February 20th. All entries must be submitted via mail and postmarked no later than June 1st, and the winners of the 2007 More Women In Film contests will be announced in the late fall of 2007. There is no fee to enter the contests.
Depending on which contest they win, winners will receive key opportunities to advance their film careers, including meetings with agents and studio development directors, a film screening at the High Falls Film Festival (Rochester, NY), the premier East Coast festival celebrating women in film, and a two-week intensive screenplay workshop at the Austin Writers Ranch in Austin and Los Angeles. Prizes also include cash ($5,000), all access passes to the Austin Film Festival and the High Falls Film Festival, a luxury spa getaway and more. As Media Partners for the More Women In Film initiative, The Hollywood Reporter and Turner Classic Movies will promote the contest in book and on air, respectively.
For additional information on the 2007 More Women In Film initiative, including complete rules and application information, please visit
blog fiction
Congrats to Daily Creator N.M. - see below:
Dear friends,
Here is a link to a podcast interview with me about The Star Islanders and serial blog fiction by community media advocate JD Lasica for his Real People Network site. JD interviewed me during February's We Media Conference in Miami, amidst a backdrop of palm trees and parrot calls. (You don't need an iPod to view the video.)
Dear friends,
Here is a link to a podcast interview with me about The Star Islanders and serial blog fiction by community media advocate JD Lasica for his Real People Network site. JD interviewed me during February's We Media Conference in Miami, amidst a backdrop of palm trees and parrot calls. (You don't need an iPod to view the video.)
dreams to solve problems
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
For the last few days, we have used our dreams to visit fictional places or follow fictional characters or heighten our imagination in order to create original work. We’ve been letting our subconscious practice on things that felt a little safe but now it is time to ask our dreams to give us the good stuff.
What in your life, at this exact moment, feels unresolved? Maybe you had a falling out with a friend or the bills have piled up or your child seems to be having trouble at school or your health could be better. Maybe there are a lot of things that feel like they need to be “fixed” right now!
Take a nice breath. Just thinking about this stuff causes anxiety. So take a break from it and let your subconscious do the work for you. Pick one, and only one, unresolved issue to focus on today/tonight.
After you read this email, say to yourself: YES, I AM CONCERNED ABOUT ____________ BUT I KNOW THAT MY SUBCONSCIOUS IS GOING TO HELP ME OUT WITH IT TONIGHT SO I’M NOT GOING TO THINK ABOUT IT TODAY. Go about your daily business. Any time that worrisome thought comes up, repeat the above phrase like a mantra.
Go to sleep a little earlier than usual tonight. Really give yourself the time to relax. Remember our “Watering The Garden” meditation? Picture an image that represents your unresolved issue sitting in that barren earth. Imagine that you water all around it and that your subconscious garden begins to grow and surround the issue.
Ask your dreams to help you find a way to resolve the issue. Ask your dreams to show you very clearly what needs to be done. When you are ready to sleep, say softly to yourself: TONIGHT, MY DREAMS WILL SHOW ME HOW TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE. I AM LISTENING AND I WILL REMEMBER AND I WILL ACT
March 16, 2007
la visual arts fellowship
California Community Foundation Invites Applications for Los Angeles Visual Artists Fellowship Program
Deadline: April 2, 2007
The California Community Foundation's ( ) Fellowships for Visual Artists program seeks to support Los Angeles artists in advancing to the next level of pro- fessional development. In 2007, the program will award over $200,000 in total funds to support individual mid-career and emerging artists.
The Fellowship for Visual Artists program is designed to acknowledge the contributions of outstanding mid-career artists in Los Angeles by enhancing, encouraging, and nurturing artistic accomplishments; encourage and foster promising and emerging artists in Los Angeles by supporting early stages of individual development; increase access to artistic support among the diverse communities of Los Angeles; and support and develop artistic or cultural talent of special merit that reflects the Los Angeles area's diverse population.
The foundation will award a total of eight fellowships to mid- career artists ($20,000 each) and three fellowships to emerging artists ($15,000 each) in Los Angeles County. Program guidelines, eligibility details, and an application form are available at the California Community Foundation Web site.
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Arts and Culture, visit:
Deadline: April 2, 2007
The California Community Foundation's ( ) Fellowships for Visual Artists program seeks to support Los Angeles artists in advancing to the next level of pro- fessional development. In 2007, the program will award over $200,000 in total funds to support individual mid-career and emerging artists.
The Fellowship for Visual Artists program is designed to acknowledge the contributions of outstanding mid-career artists in Los Angeles by enhancing, encouraging, and nurturing artistic accomplishments; encourage and foster promising and emerging artists in Los Angeles by supporting early stages of individual development; increase access to artistic support among the diverse communities of Los Angeles; and support and develop artistic or cultural talent of special merit that reflects the Los Angeles area's diverse population.
The foundation will award a total of eight fellowships to mid- career artists ($20,000 each) and three fellowships to emerging artists ($15,000 each) in Los Angeles County. Program guidelines, eligibility details, and an application form are available at the California Community Foundation Web site.
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Arts and Culture, visit:
ask from your dreams
“The moment of enlightenment is when a person's dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities.”
- Vic Braden
I’ve recently re-read Stanislavski’s An Actor’s Handbook and was thinking about his insistence that an actor either learn to develop a strong imagination or get off the stage. He believed that some actors had a type of imagination that had its own initiative; the type that would work “untiringly, whether you are awake or asleep.”- Vic Braden
He also believed that it was the actors’ responsibility to prod their creative fantasy and to stir up emotions and memories from the secret depths of the subconscious in order to regroup them to “correspond with the images which arise in us.” Creative fantasy was the fundamental, absolutely necessary tool needed to be an actor.
Are you working on a painting, a song, a novel, a play, preparing for an audition? Maybe you have just the inkling of an idea of something you might like to start working on…
Tonight, pick a character from your piece or an image from your painting or a verse from your song. Not too much. Don’t bite off the whole shebang. Just a little piece from what you’re working on.
As you relax in bed before sleep, allow your mind to watch that little piece of your project as if it was floating above you, slightly distanced from it. As if someone was telling you about it, showing it to you.
Ask your dreams to help you know more about this little piece of the puzzle. Ask your dreams to show you something you didn’t know about it before.
When you are ready to sleep, say softly to yourself: TONIGHT, MY DREAMS WILL SHOW ME MORE ABOUT THIS ___________ (CHARACTER, PICTURE, SCENE, PAINTING, SONG).
March 15, 2007
$5000 monthly prize for uploaded films

Gen Art is thrilled to introduce you to OurStage, a brand new, 100% democratic online venue for film and video artists to get their work in front of those who matter most – the fans and industry groundbreakers. Artists upload their work at OurStage, where thousands of fans and fanatics view and judge submissions. All genres ten minutes or less are welcome.
$5,000 says you’re ready to put your creative assets on the line
The winner of each month gets $5,000, and has their talent revealed to the world. Indeed, OurStage lets the audience tell the industry who’s best.
You have nothing to lose but obscurity
Upload your work for competition now at and be among the pioneers triggering a new entertainment revolution.
See you online,
The team backstage
P.S. Entries that rise high in rankings qualify their makers to attend OurStage-organized industry conferences, gain entry into other film fests, and earn recognition and additional rewards from partners such as Gen Art, Paste Magazine, Independent Film Festival of Boston, Asbury Shorts, Noise Pop, Film Threat, the DV Show, and many others. If your best work’s ready to be seen, upload it now.
$5,000 says you’re ready to put your creative assets on the line
The winner of each month gets $5,000, and has their talent revealed to the world. Indeed, OurStage lets the audience tell the industry who’s best.
You have nothing to lose but obscurity
Upload your work for competition now at and be among the pioneers triggering a new entertainment revolution.
See you online,
The team backstage
P.S. Entries that rise high in rankings qualify their makers to attend OurStage-organized industry conferences, gain entry into other film fests, and earn recognition and additional rewards from partners such as Gen Art, Paste Magazine, Independent Film Festival of Boston, Asbury Shorts, Noise Pop, Film Threat, the DV Show, and many others. If your best work’s ready to be seen, upload it now.
$2500 prize for green short films

Gen Art and Planet Green Game, a partnership between Starbucks and Global Green USA, are excited to offer seven individuals a unique opportunity to share their thoughts, concerns, hopes and visions about the growing climate crisis by showcasing their “Green” themed short films through The Gen Art Online Film Festival.
The festival will take place online and “in world” at Seven finalists will be selected and then through online voting, one of the seven filmmakers will win $2500 plus a premiere screening at the 12th annual Gen Art Film Festival presented by Acura, in New York City .
The competition is open to anyone with a camera who wants to have their voice heard and inspire change. As artists and filmmakers we are challenging you to submit a short film (5 minutes or less) in all genres (documentary, music video, narrative, experimental, rant, etc.)
But hurry the submission window is closing soon! (deadline is March 21st 2007)
For more information visit:
Check out the shout out from our friends at Current TV:
The festival will take place online and “in world” at Seven finalists will be selected and then through online voting, one of the seven filmmakers will win $2500 plus a premiere screening at the 12th annual Gen Art Film Festival presented by Acura, in New York City .
The competition is open to anyone with a camera who wants to have their voice heard and inspire change. As artists and filmmakers we are challenging you to submit a short film (5 minutes or less) in all genres (documentary, music video, narrative, experimental, rant, etc.)
But hurry the submission window is closing soon! (deadline is March 21st 2007)
For more information visit:
Check out the shout out from our friends at Current TV:
dream the details
“You see things and you say 'Why?' but I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why Not?'"
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
Robert Stickgold, Ph.D., a cognitive neuroscientist at Harvard created a study where volunteers -- including five amnesiacs – played a video game a few hours a day for three days. He then woke them just after they fell asleep and found they were dreaming of the game -- even the amnesiacs, who had no memory of ever having played it.
Our dreams can be used to increase our intelligence, solve problems, answer life questions and resolve old emotions. Why not ask our subconscious to help us during times of confusion? Why not “sleep on it” for real?
Let’s start small and not try to tackle life’s big questions or our most pressing personal problems just yet. Let’s visit a place free from our daily concerns and unsolved issues.
Draw or cut a picture out of a magazine of an appealing landscape or an environment that calls to you. Maybe it’s a picture of a mountain range, a castle on a hill, a quiet lake or a beautiful room you wish was part of your house.
Before bed, look at the picture closely. Ask your subconscious to take you to this place while you dream and to show you even more of this amazing space. Ask your dream to fill in the missing details – to show you the things you cannot see in this picture.
When you are ready to sleep, say softly to yourself: TONIGHT, I WILL VISIT THIS PLACE IN MY DREAMS.
Sleep well.
best of fest reading series est la
Two readings I directed - Billy Aronson's The First Day of School and Carole Real's Don't Say Another Word - have been selected for Ensemble Studio Theatre LA's Best of the Fest. First Day will be done on Thurs, March 15 and Don't Say on Fri, March 16. Both are at 8 pm at the Miles Memorial Playhouse in Santa Monica. Check them out!
They were chosen from over 40 plays given readings in EST's Winter Series. Only 5 plays are in Best of the Fest - I directed 2 of them! First Day will be given a workshop in May at The Magic in San Francisco.
Here's a link for more info.
Two readings I directed - Billy Aronson's The First Day of School and Carole Real's Don't Say Another Word - have been selected for Ensemble Studio Theatre LA's Best of the Fest. First Day will be done on Thurs, March 15 and Don't Say on Fri, March 16. Both are at 8 pm at the Miles Memorial Playhouse in Santa Monica. Check them out!
They were chosen from over 40 plays given readings in EST's Winter Series. Only 5 plays are in Best of the Fest - I directed 2 of them! First Day will be given a workshop in May at The Magic in San Francisco.
Here's a link for more info.
writing related teaching jobs
* Research Assistant, Writing and Rhetoric University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Arkansas) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Online Writing Tutor (D.C.) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
* Multiple Positions: Instructor in Journalism/English, Instructor of Music McHenry County College (Illinois) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Creative Writing Faculty DePauw University (Indiana) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* English Literature Faculty DePauw University (Indiana) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Online Writing Tutor (D.C.) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
* Multiple Positions: Instructor in Journalism/English, Instructor of Music McHenry County College (Illinois) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Creative Writing Faculty DePauw University (Indiana) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* English Literature Faculty DePauw University (Indiana) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
more teaching jobs in the arts
* Director of Instrumental Music Education/Wind Ensemble Director Clayton State University (Georgia) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
* Chair of Production Design Savannah College of Art and Design (Georgia) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
* Positions in Performing Arts Savannah College of Art and Design (Georgia) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
* Multiple Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Bethel College (Indiana) (date posted: 3/15/2007)
* Music and Performing Arts Librarian DePauw University (Indiana) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts University of Louisville (Kentucky) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Program Director-Assistant/Associate Professor of Arts Management (anticipated opening July 2007) Dean College (Massachusetts) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Lighting and Sound Designer Stephens College (Missouri) (date posted: 3/13/2007)
* Theatre Dance and Media Arts, Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Track Lecturer University of Central Oklahoma (Oklahoma) (date posted: 3/13/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Dance, Department of Theatre and Dance West Chester University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Theatre and Drama Belmont University (Tennessee) (date posted: 3/13/2007)
* Multiple Faculty Positions Laredo Community College (Texas) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Senior Lecturer - Technical Theatre/Design Eastern Washington University (Washington) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
* Chair of Production Design Savannah College of Art and Design (Georgia) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
* Positions in Performing Arts Savannah College of Art and Design (Georgia) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
* Multiple Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Bethel College (Indiana) (date posted: 3/15/2007)
* Music and Performing Arts Librarian DePauw University (Indiana) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts University of Louisville (Kentucky) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Program Director-Assistant/Associate Professor of Arts Management (anticipated opening July 2007) Dean College (Massachusetts) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Lighting and Sound Designer Stephens College (Missouri) (date posted: 3/13/2007)
* Theatre Dance and Media Arts, Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Track Lecturer University of Central Oklahoma (Oklahoma) (date posted: 3/13/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Dance, Department of Theatre and Dance West Chester University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Assistant Professor of Theatre and Drama Belmont University (Tennessee) (date posted: 3/13/2007)
* Multiple Faculty Positions Laredo Community College (Texas) (date posted: 3/12/2007)
* Senior Lecturer - Technical Theatre/Design Eastern Washington University (Washington) (date posted: 3/14/2007)
piano teacher opens - julia cho

I just wanted to spread the news that my play, The Piano Teacher, is opening at South Coast Rep in Costa Mesa, CA. Kate Whoriskey has done a wonderful job staging it and the actors—Kevin Carroll, Linda Gehringer and Toi Perkins—are great.
Our schedule is basically Tues-Thurs at 7:45pm and Sat-Sun at 2pm and 7:45pm. We run from now until April 1st. It's just a two week run so blink and you'll miss it. Full info is at There's free parking at the mall across the street.
March 11 - April 1, 2007
Julianne Argyros Stage
by Julia Cho
by Julia Cho
directed by Kate Whoriskey
Julia Cho is a talented playwright who burst onto the scene and caused critics to cheer, writing with what The New York Times called "insight, sensitivity and humor." All that and more sparks her new play about a retired piano teacher called Mrs. K, who is haunted by something that happened long ago. Slowly, the children stopped coming for their lessons. Sometimes, she blames that one disastrous recital, other times, their parents. Finally, Mrs. K is compelled to contact her former students. Their mysterious memories are not at all what she expected.
March 13, 2007
submit to green light
Green Light Productions, a non-profit theatre company dedicated to creating new and exciting opportunities for women theatre artists, is presently seeking submission for GLO- a production of one-act plays to be performed during the summer of 2007 at Columbia University.
We are very interested in having our playwrights involved in the production of their work. Playwrights are afforded the opportunity to not only have a production of their play but are also invited to all casting sessions, production meetings and rehearsals. Green Light encourages playwrights to have access to all aspects of the production. We believe that a production of this ability provides a valuable professional experience and is a great opportunity for playwrights to collaborate with directors, actors, designers and producers.
If you are interested in submitting a play for consideration please review the following guidelines.
1) One-act plays are defined as running between 15 and 45 minutes in length.
2) The playwright must be a woman.
3) The play may not have had a public performance (workshops and readings are acceptable)
4) Playwrights must be US Citizens (please note exception: international playwrights who are presently enrolled in a university or college in the United States)
5) We are accepting both dramatic and musical plays for consideration.
6) Plays cannot be published works.
7) Playwrights may submit multiple submissions.
8) Deadline for submissions is Monday, April 23rd 2007.
Please attach a cover sheet to each play submitted with the following information:
1) Name
2) Address
3) Phone number
4) E-mail address
5) Title of Play
6) Number of characters and gender
7) Brief synopsis
Please submit plays electronically to Alex Dilks Pandola at GreenLightInfo@ or by mail to: Green Light Productions459 Columbus AvenueBox 192New York, NY 10024
If sending by mail please send (2) copies of each play. Copies will not be returned
We are very interested in having our playwrights involved in the production of their work. Playwrights are afforded the opportunity to not only have a production of their play but are also invited to all casting sessions, production meetings and rehearsals. Green Light encourages playwrights to have access to all aspects of the production. We believe that a production of this ability provides a valuable professional experience and is a great opportunity for playwrights to collaborate with directors, actors, designers and producers.
If you are interested in submitting a play for consideration please review the following guidelines.
1) One-act plays are defined as running between 15 and 45 minutes in length.
2) The playwright must be a woman.
3) The play may not have had a public performance (workshops and readings are acceptable)
4) Playwrights must be US Citizens (please note exception: international playwrights who are presently enrolled in a university or college in the United States)
5) We are accepting both dramatic and musical plays for consideration.
6) Plays cannot be published works.
7) Playwrights may submit multiple submissions.
8) Deadline for submissions is Monday, April 23rd 2007.
Please attach a cover sheet to each play submitted with the following information:
1) Name
2) Address
3) Phone number
4) E-mail address
5) Title of Play
6) Number of characters and gender
7) Brief synopsis
Please submit plays electronically to Alex Dilks Pandola at GreenLightInfo@ or by mail to: Green Light Productions459 Columbus AvenueBox 192New York, NY 10024
If sending by mail please send (2) copies of each play. Copies will not be returned
bras for a cause
Submit Your Entry Form!
First, complete the entry form and submit it with your entry fee of $25 to Soroptimist International Capitola-By-The-Sea. Each entry will receive a complimentary ticket to the Gala on April 28th. Deadline for the entry form is Saturday, April 21st. (Deadline to submit your bra is Thursday, April 26th.)
Create Your Bra!
Let your creativity begin. Decorate or create a bra from scratch. Discount stores and clearance racks are a great source for a bra to decorate. Creations may be wild and wacky, show off a hobby, or be your own unique artistic design. For inspiration, check out our Photo Gallery to see some of the entries from 2006. If desired, your bra can be made in honor of or in memory of an individual or group, and we will note that information in the signage for your bra, as well as in the Gala program.
Submit Your Bra!
Once you’ve finished your bra, submit it for the gala and auction. Deadline for submittal is Thursday, April 26th.(Deadline to submit your entry form is Saturday, April 21st.)
Mail to:
SI Capitola-By-The-Sea
PO Box 576
Capitola CA 95010
Win Exciting Prizes!A team of celebrity judges will determine the top three winners, which will each receive a trophy and an exciting prize.
For more information, contact Sheila Vaughn at or call (831) 662-8908
Submit Your Entry Form!
First, complete the entry form and submit it with your entry fee of $25 to Soroptimist International Capitola-By-The-Sea. Each entry will receive a complimentary ticket to the Gala on April 28th. Deadline for the entry form is Saturday, April 21st. (Deadline to submit your bra is Thursday, April 26th.)
Create Your Bra!
Let your creativity begin. Decorate or create a bra from scratch. Discount stores and clearance racks are a great source for a bra to decorate. Creations may be wild and wacky, show off a hobby, or be your own unique artistic design. For inspiration, check out our Photo Gallery to see some of the entries from 2006. If desired, your bra can be made in honor of or in memory of an individual or group, and we will note that information in the signage for your bra, as well as in the Gala program.
Submit Your Bra!
Once you’ve finished your bra, submit it for the gala and auction. Deadline for submittal is Thursday, April 26th.(Deadline to submit your entry form is Saturday, April 21st.)
Mail to:
SI Capitola-By-The-Sea
PO Box 576
Capitola CA 95010
Win Exciting Prizes!A team of celebrity judges will determine the top three winners, which will each receive a trophy and an exciting prize.
For more information, contact Sheila Vaughn at or call (831) 662-8908
time sensitive - phil rosenthal
TSOA West is proud to launch “INTIMATE CONVERSATIONS” the TSOA WEST SPEAKER SERIES hosted and curated by alumni Lowell Mate, Len Aslanian and The Sundance Institute.
Our first conversation features Phil Rosenthal (Emmy Award winning Creator, Everybody Loves Raymond) Free beer and wine. Event is open to TSOA Alumni only.
“Intimate Conversations: Phil Rosenthal”
Tuesday, March 27th
7:30 pm
Location in Hollywood
Seating is limited to 25.
Tickets: $25 pre-paid by credit card only. No ticket purchase at the event.
How to RSVP:
Reservations will ONLY be taken on Thursday, March 15th from 9 am to 5 pm EST. Call Fred Bush directly at 212.998.6954. Have your credit card information ready. Do not leave credit card information if you get his voice mail. Fred will give you the location and parking information upon receipt of payment. No Reservations will be accepted before or after March 15th.
The intention of the “Intimate Conversations” series is to regularly gather small, intimate groups of Tisch alumni and give them the opportunity to sit down and “pick the brain” of notable media industry professionals. More like a private meeting instead of a panel, “Intimate Conversations” offers an unprecedented level of access.
Notice of the events will be sent to all alumni via The Career Development LA listserve to guarantee equal opportunity to attend but seating is extremely limited. Tickets are first-come, first-serve.
Funds gathered will support the continuation of the TSOA West Speaker Series.
Our first conversation features Phil Rosenthal (Emmy Award winning Creator, Everybody Loves Raymond) Free beer and wine. Event is open to TSOA Alumni only.
“Intimate Conversations: Phil Rosenthal”
Tuesday, March 27th
7:30 pm
Location in Hollywood
Seating is limited to 25.
Tickets: $25 pre-paid by credit card only. No ticket purchase at the event.
How to RSVP:
Reservations will ONLY be taken on Thursday, March 15th from 9 am to 5 pm EST. Call Fred Bush directly at 212.998.6954. Have your credit card information ready. Do not leave credit card information if you get his voice mail. Fred will give you the location and parking information upon receipt of payment. No Reservations will be accepted before or after March 15th.
The intention of the “Intimate Conversations” series is to regularly gather small, intimate groups of Tisch alumni and give them the opportunity to sit down and “pick the brain” of notable media industry professionals. More like a private meeting instead of a panel, “Intimate Conversations” offers an unprecedented level of access.
Notice of the events will be sent to all alumni via The Career Development LA listserve to guarantee equal opportunity to attend but seating is extremely limited. Tickets are first-come, first-serve.
Funds gathered will support the continuation of the TSOA West Speaker Series.
prt building fund - reading

Daily Creator J. B. sends us this information about PRT in LA:
Dear Friends -
As you may or may not know Pacific Resident Theatre's building is up for sale. All donations from this reading is for our Building Fund. I hope you will come out and support this worthy event that I've produced for the past three years. We have hosted: Lee Blessing, Eve Enselver, Joe Pintauro, Donald Freed, Susan Johnston, Laura Maria Censabella...and now Henry Ong with cellist Longo Chu! Love, Jordan Baker
Pacific Resident Theatre presents
The Company Reading Series
Monday, March 26, 2007
at 7:00 pm
Anthony Trollope's RACHEL RAY
Adaptation by Henry Ong
Directed by Brendon Fox
Original cello music composed by Longo Chu
PRT Members: Mary Van Arsdale, Rachel Avery, Sara Brooke, Tom Beyer, Andy Carnick, Channing Chase, Rebecca Crandell, Jaxon Gwilliam Duff, Tania Getty, Amy Huntington, and Dennis Madden
Special Guest Artist: Blythe Niles
Set in the idyllic English countryside of Devonshire, Rachel Ray tells the story of the eponymous heroine pursued by the dashing,ambitious and persistent Luke Rowan who is at the same time battling to gain control of the local brewery. Populated by a host of unforgettable Trollopian characters, imbued with the deepest of religious, political and class convictions, this could be the liveliestand most compact of dramas from the pen of that greatest of Victorian storytellers, Anthony Trollope. Playwright Henry Ong'sadaptation is possibly the very first attempt to bring the 19th century novel to the stage.
Henry Ong is an internationally produced playwright whose works defy easy classification. Among his plays are the critically acclaimed Madame Mao's Memories, a one person play about the life of the infamous widow of China's Mao Zedong; the award-winning People Like Me, based on actual stories of gay and lesbian teenagers in Los Angeles; Sweet Karma, a docudrama about the life of the Oscar-winning actor of "The Killing Fields," Haing Ngor; and The Old Lady Who PoppedOut of the Sidewalk and Became a Christmas Tree, a tale of greed and redemption.
Light refreshment served
RESERVATIONS A MUST! 310-822- 8392
Suggested donation: $10 (for the PRT Building Fund)
703 Venice Blvd.Venice, CA 90294
(3 blocks west of Lincoln -- parking FREE in rear and on street)
Dear Friends -
As you may or may not know Pacific Resident Theatre's building is up for sale. All donations from this reading is for our Building Fund. I hope you will come out and support this worthy event that I've produced for the past three years. We have hosted: Lee Blessing, Eve Enselver, Joe Pintauro, Donald Freed, Susan Johnston, Laura Maria Censabella...and now Henry Ong with cellist Longo Chu! Love, Jordan Baker
Pacific Resident Theatre presents
The Company Reading Series
Monday, March 26, 2007
at 7:00 pm
Anthony Trollope's RACHEL RAY
Adaptation by Henry Ong
Directed by Brendon Fox
Original cello music composed by Longo Chu
PRT Members: Mary Van Arsdale, Rachel Avery, Sara Brooke, Tom Beyer, Andy Carnick, Channing Chase, Rebecca Crandell, Jaxon Gwilliam Duff, Tania Getty, Amy Huntington, and Dennis Madden
Special Guest Artist: Blythe Niles
Set in the idyllic English countryside of Devonshire, Rachel Ray tells the story of the eponymous heroine pursued by the dashing,ambitious and persistent Luke Rowan who is at the same time battling to gain control of the local brewery. Populated by a host of unforgettable Trollopian characters, imbued with the deepest of religious, political and class convictions, this could be the liveliestand most compact of dramas from the pen of that greatest of Victorian storytellers, Anthony Trollope. Playwright Henry Ong'sadaptation is possibly the very first attempt to bring the 19th century novel to the stage.
Henry Ong is an internationally produced playwright whose works defy easy classification. Among his plays are the critically acclaimed Madame Mao's Memories, a one person play about the life of the infamous widow of China's Mao Zedong; the award-winning People Like Me, based on actual stories of gay and lesbian teenagers in Los Angeles; Sweet Karma, a docudrama about the life of the Oscar-winning actor of "The Killing Fields," Haing Ngor; and The Old Lady Who PoppedOut of the Sidewalk and Became a Christmas Tree, a tale of greed and redemption.
Light refreshment served
RESERVATIONS A MUST! 310-822- 8392
Suggested donation: $10 (for the PRT Building Fund)
703 Venice Blvd.Venice, CA 90294
(3 blocks west of Lincoln -- parking FREE in rear and on street)
women's voice for change
Daily Creator E.H. sends us this information:
This is an invitation to change your life a little and to help change the world a lot.
We invite you to click on to
There you will see what has taken the time, energy and passion of a group of dynamic women dedicated to changing the way women over 40 are viewed.
Begun in New York City in 2005, Women's Voices for Change is standing up for an accurate view of the 68 million of us in the United States alone who hold the bulk of the buying power and make the bulk of the important buying decisions in this economy.
We are a vital, versatile and vivacious force that is virtually invisible.
Featuring writing by an array of thoughtful and powerful thinkers and doers, is your blog. It is where women in and beyond the menopausal transition are recognized for what they are: important.
We have articles about current events, health, sexuality and popular culture. We've got ruminations on everything from dynamic living to dynamite role models. We've got the former president of Vassar talking about the new president of Harvard.
We take on the bashers (Christopher Hitchens says women aren't funny? Please!), and we do some bashing (Suzanne Somers might be a nice person, but she isn't qualified to talk about hormones).
We invite you to visit the site now and often. We invite you to comment on what you see there and to consider going even further into the blogosphere by reading our writers guidelines and submitting an entry of your own.
It isn't about older. It's about better. And it's about time we started making some noise. Join us and pass this message on to others who feel the same.
Patricia Allen, MD
Faith Childs
Elizabeth Hemmerdinger
Nancy Racquet
Gail Sheehy
Laura Sillerman
Catherine Wood
This is an invitation to change your life a little and to help change the world a lot.
We invite you to click on to
There you will see what has taken the time, energy and passion of a group of dynamic women dedicated to changing the way women over 40 are viewed.
Begun in New York City in 2005, Women's Voices for Change is standing up for an accurate view of the 68 million of us in the United States alone who hold the bulk of the buying power and make the bulk of the important buying decisions in this economy.
We are a vital, versatile and vivacious force that is virtually invisible.
Featuring writing by an array of thoughtful and powerful thinkers and doers, is your blog. It is where women in and beyond the menopausal transition are recognized for what they are: important.
We have articles about current events, health, sexuality and popular culture. We've got ruminations on everything from dynamic living to dynamite role models. We've got the former president of Vassar talking about the new president of Harvard.
We take on the bashers (Christopher Hitchens says women aren't funny? Please!), and we do some bashing (Suzanne Somers might be a nice person, but she isn't qualified to talk about hormones).
We invite you to visit the site now and often. We invite you to comment on what you see there and to consider going even further into the blogosphere by reading our writers guidelines and submitting an entry of your own.
It isn't about older. It's about better. And it's about time we started making some noise. Join us and pass this message on to others who feel the same.
Patricia Allen, MD
Faith Childs
Elizabeth Hemmerdinger
Nancy Racquet
Gail Sheehy
Laura Sillerman
Catherine Wood
submit to publication
Downtown LA Life Magazine
If you would like to participate in this upcoming Issue please contact the editor with three samples of your work. No larger than 100K.Please do not send anything via regular mail, e-mail only.We are accepting, Art (any medium), Poetry, The Written Word, andPhotography.
DEADLINE: March 28th 2006.
Please send samples of your work to:Editor@downtownlali Attn.: April
Downtown LA Life Magazine
If you would like to participate in this upcoming Issue please contact the editor with three samples of your work. No larger than 100K.Please do not send anything via regular mail, e-mail only.We are accepting, Art (any medium), Poetry, The Written Word, andPhotography.
DEADLINE: March 28th 2006.
Please send samples of your work to:Editor@downtownlali Attn.: April
learn to fly
“Only dreamers can teach us to soar.”
Anne Marie Pierce
Anne Marie Pierce
And only in dreams can we actually soar like a bird! There’s nothing more liberating than waking from a dream where you have flown through the air, unencumbered and free.
Is it possible to trigger a flying dream? Most people believe that flying dreams represent a release of tension or that they only appear when we have come out of a dark, worrisome period of our lives.
But what if we could will ourselves to fly?
Pay attention to birds and airplanes today. Or make a paper airplane and throw it through the air. Tell yourself that tonight you will fly in the exact same way in your dreams.
Before bed, take a BATH – yes, a BATH! Lock the door and listen to some soothing, uplifting music. In the bathtub, practice your flying stroke. Imagine yourself swimming through the air. Tell yourself that tonight you will fly in your dreams and it will feel very similar to this.
Tonight, go to bed 10 or 15 minutes earlier than usual. Dim the lights, maybe listen to some soft music or remember the feelings you had today while you were watching the birds or in the bath. When you are ready to sleep, say softly to yourself: TONIGHT, I WILL FLY IN MY DREAMS.
Sleep well.
March 11, 2007
writers retreat
This was sent to me by Daily Creator L.D. who runs a writing retreat and is opening that retreat to our community of writers. - SJ
"There is no other word to describe Laura's writing retreat thanjust plain JUICY. The peaceful Commonweal environment, the ruggedcoast outside the door, Laura's clear authentic presence, and thenourishing, fresh, organic meals provided just the right settingfor my weary soul and stale writing habits to get renewed andrefreshed. I breathed new life into my writing and it only couldhave happened in a gorgeous setting with Laura's fierce protectionof the sacred writing space."--Erica Ross-Krieger, author of Seven Sacred Attitudes: How to Live in the Richness of the Moment
Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Fellow Writers,
Last summer, I had the great honor to lead my second magnificent writer's retreat at the Commonweal Retreat Center in Northern California. I don't know if I can find the words to tell you what a powerful,inspiring, and transformative experience it was, but it was incredible for all of us--teacher and students alike. To be able to share so intimately in an environment that was utterly safe, to bepart of a writing community that was deeply accepting and supportive, and to be lifted out of our ordinary lives and plunked down in a gorgeous, serene setting designed for deep introspection,relaxation and peace...the results were extraordinary.
If the retreat itself was not enough, we were also graced with Claire, a cook who prepared the freshest, finest organicingredients with such love and artistry that we swooned at everymeal. We were deeply nourished on every level.
To build on this phenomenal experience, I am inviting you to thethird annual residential writing retreat this coming summer, in August of 2007 for what promises to be an incredible week of creativity and community-building.The retreat will begin on Wednesday, August 8th, 2007 and conclude on Monday, August 13th. Here are some of the relevant details:
The Setting: Commonweal is an incredibly beautiful retreat centerin Bolinas, California, near Point Reyes. To see for yourself, goto Commonweal's website and click on the photos that say, "NaturePhotos from Commonweal." It's a gorgeous, wild, beautiful haven:
Experience Required: We will be a mix of beginners and experiencedwriters and everything in between. An open heart and the desire towrite are all that is required.
About the Facilitator: Laura Davis is the author of sevennon-fiction books, including The Courage to Heal, Becoming theParent You Want to Be, and I Thought We'd Never Speak Again.Laura's groundbreaking books have sold more than 1.8 million copiesaround the world. Laura leads weekly writing practice groups, editsbooks, and has been mentoring and supporting writers for the past 18years.
CEUs: Authorized by CABS Provider No. PCE879 to qualify for 30 hours of continuing education credits for MFTs and LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
Price: The total cost of the retreat, including room and board, is$1250 (US) for a double occupancy room. A limited number of singlerooms are available for $1500 (US). Rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. A $300 non-refundable depositis required to reserve a space in the workshop.
For more information and a registration form, you can go to:
You can also email me with
I hope you can join me this summer.In the spirit of healing,Laura Davis
"Writing with Laura is a dream come true...she's funny, smart,insightful, and willing to risk putting her own life experiencedown on the page. Writing practice has proven to be a form of meditation in action for me: it has revealed dark corners of my mind that were begging for illumination, and healed broken pieces ofmy heart. I have cried, laughed and marveled at the insights a simple thing like writing practice has given me. This is an experience not to be missed."
--Nancy London MSW, author of "Hot Flashes, Warm Bottles: FirstTime Mothers Over Forty"
"There is no other word to describe Laura's writing retreat thanjust plain JUICY. The peaceful Commonweal environment, the ruggedcoast outside the door, Laura's clear authentic presence, and thenourishing, fresh, organic meals provided just the right settingfor my weary soul and stale writing habits to get renewed andrefreshed. I breathed new life into my writing and it only couldhave happened in a gorgeous setting with Laura's fierce protectionof the sacred writing space."--Erica Ross-Krieger, author of Seven Sacred Attitudes: How to Live in the Richness of the Moment
Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Fellow Writers,
Last summer, I had the great honor to lead my second magnificent writer's retreat at the Commonweal Retreat Center in Northern California. I don't know if I can find the words to tell you what a powerful,inspiring, and transformative experience it was, but it was incredible for all of us--teacher and students alike. To be able to share so intimately in an environment that was utterly safe, to bepart of a writing community that was deeply accepting and supportive, and to be lifted out of our ordinary lives and plunked down in a gorgeous, serene setting designed for deep introspection,relaxation and peace...the results were extraordinary.
If the retreat itself was not enough, we were also graced with Claire, a cook who prepared the freshest, finest organicingredients with such love and artistry that we swooned at everymeal. We were deeply nourished on every level.
To build on this phenomenal experience, I am inviting you to thethird annual residential writing retreat this coming summer, in August of 2007 for what promises to be an incredible week of creativity and community-building.The retreat will begin on Wednesday, August 8th, 2007 and conclude on Monday, August 13th. Here are some of the relevant details:
The Setting: Commonweal is an incredibly beautiful retreat centerin Bolinas, California, near Point Reyes. To see for yourself, goto Commonweal's website and click on the photos that say, "NaturePhotos from Commonweal." It's a gorgeous, wild, beautiful haven:
Experience Required: We will be a mix of beginners and experiencedwriters and everything in between. An open heart and the desire towrite are all that is required.
About the Facilitator: Laura Davis is the author of sevennon-fiction books, including The Courage to Heal, Becoming theParent You Want to Be, and I Thought We'd Never Speak Again.Laura's groundbreaking books have sold more than 1.8 million copiesaround the world. Laura leads weekly writing practice groups, editsbooks, and has been mentoring and supporting writers for the past 18years.
CEUs: Authorized by CABS Provider No. PCE879 to qualify for 30 hours of continuing education credits for MFTs and LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
Price: The total cost of the retreat, including room and board, is$1250 (US) for a double occupancy room. A limited number of singlerooms are available for $1500 (US). Rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. A $300 non-refundable depositis required to reserve a space in the workshop.
For more information and a registration form, you can go to:
You can also email me with
I hope you can join me this summer.In the spirit of healing,Laura Davis
"Writing with Laura is a dream come true...she's funny, smart,insightful, and willing to risk putting her own life experiencedown on the page. Writing practice has proven to be a form of meditation in action for me: it has revealed dark corners of my mind that were begging for illumination, and healed broken pieces ofmy heart. I have cried, laughed and marveled at the insights a simple thing like writing practice has given me. This is an experience not to be missed."
--Nancy London MSW, author of "Hot Flashes, Warm Bottles: FirstTime Mothers Over Forty"
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